The ATBC Stallion Tender Scheme was the first of its kind and is still the most affordable. Through the generosity of Studs and Stallion Owners, nominations are donated to the club and the funds we raise via this scheme, allow us to the offer 'Incentives Awards' and help with operating costs. Each year a good selection of stallions are offered and your support of this scheme is welcome and vital for the club.
In 2018 the Australian Thoroughbred Breeders Club would like to thanks the following Studs:
Brisbane Meadows, Bungonia NSW
Bullarook Park Stud, Avenel VIC
Cangon Stud Farm, Dungog NSW
Carrington Park Stud, Carrington Falls NSW
Kitchwen Hills, Scone NSW
Kooringal Stud, Wagga Wagga NSW
Norman Park Stud, Cooyal NSW
Princes Farm, Castlereagh NSW
Riverdene Stud, Wagga Wagga NSW
Tamalee Farm, Tamworth NSW
Tanglewood Farm, Kootingal NSW
Widden Stud, Widden Valley NSW